A Noun is a word that identifies a person, place, thing, idea, or quality. Nouns can refer to physical objects, abstract concepts, or proper names. They are an essential part of speech in both English and Hindi grammar.

Types of Nouns

  • Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा)
  • Common Noun (जातिवाचक संज्ञा)
  • Collective Noun (समूहवाचक संज्ञा)
  • Abstract Noun (भाववाचक संज्ञा)
  • Material Noun (द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा)
  1. Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा)
    Refers to the specific names of people, places, or organizations. Proper nouns are always capitalized in English.
  2. Common Noun (जातिवाचक संज्ञा)
    Refers to general names of people, places, things, or animals. These are not capitalized unless they start a sentence.
    • Examples:
      • People: boy, teacher, doctor
        (लड़का, शिक्षक, डॉक्टर)
      • Places: city, school, river
        (शहर, स्कूल, नदी)
      • Things: book, chair, car
        (किताब, कुर्सी, गाड़ी)
      • Animals: cat, dog, elephant
        (बिल्ली, कुत्ता, हाथी)
  3. Collective Noun (समूहवाचक संज्ञा)
    Refers to a group or collection of people, animals, or things considered as one unit.
    • Examples:
      • Team (टीम), family (परिवार), flock (झुंड), bunch (गुच्छा), herd (पशुओं का झुंड)
      • A herd of cows
        (गायों का झुंड)
  4. Abstract Noun (भाववाचक संज्ञा)
    Refers to intangible ideas, feelings, qualities, or states that cannot be physically touched.
    • Examples:
      • Love (प्रेम), happiness (खुशी), bravery (साहस), freedom (स्वतंत्रता), knowledge (ज्ञान)
      • She has great courage.
        (उसके पास बहुत साहस है।)
  5. Material Noun (द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा)
    Refers to substances or materials from which things are made.
    • Examples:
      • Gold (सोना), silver (चाँदी), water (पानी), wood (लकड़ी), cotton (कपास)
      • This ring is made of gold.
        (यह अंगूठी सोने की बनी है।)
  6. Countable Noun (गणनीय संज्ञा)
    Refers to things that can be counted and have both singular and plural forms.
    • Examples:
      • Book (किताब), apple (सेब), car (गाड़ी)
      • I have two books.
        (मेरे पास दो किताबें हैं।)
  7. Uncountable Noun (अगणनीय संज्ञा)
    Refers to substances, qualities, or concepts that cannot be counted. These do not have plural forms.
    • Examples:
      • Milk (दूध), sugar (चीनी), information (सूचना), advice (सलाह)
      • We need more water.
        (हमें अधिक पानी चाहिए।)

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