Verbs are action words that describe what a subject does, experiences, or is. They are essential components of sentences, providing information about actions, occurrences, or states of being. Verbs can express time through tenses and convey various moods and aspects.

Types of Verbs

  1. Action Verbs (क्रिया क्रियाएँ)
    These verbs express physical or mental actions performed by the subject.
    • Examples:
      • Run (दौड़ना)
      • Jump (कूदना)
      • Think (सोचना)
      • Write (लिखना)
      • Eat (खाना)
  2. Transitive Verbs (संचारी क्रियाएँ)
    These verbs require a direct object to complete their meaning.
    • Examples:
      • She reads (वह पढ़ती है) a book.
      • He kicked (उसने लात मारी) the ball.
      • They built (उन्होंने बनाया) a house.
  3. Intransitive Verbs (असंचारी क्रियाएँ)
    These verbs do not require a direct object and can stand alone.
    • Examples:
      • She sleeps. (वह सोती है।)
      • The baby cried. (बच्चा रोया।)
      • He runs fast. (वह तेज दौड़ता है।)
  4. Linking Verbs (संयोग क्रियाएँ)
    These verbs connect the subject with a subject complement that describes or identifies it. They do not express action but rather a state of being.
    • Examples:
      • Be (होना)
      • Become (बनना)
      • Seem (लगना)
      • Appear (प्रकट होना)
    • Example Sentence:
      • She is happy. (वह खुश है।)
      • He seems tired. (वह थका हुआ लगता है।)
  5. Auxiliary Verbs (सहायक क्रियाएँ)
    Also known as helping verbs, these verbs are used with main verbs to form different tenses, moods, or voices.
    • Examples:
      • Have (हाथ में होना)
      • Be (होना)
      • Do (करना)
    • Example Sentence:
      • She has completed her work. (उसने अपना काम पूरा कर लिया है।)
      • They are playing soccer. (वे फुटबॉल खेल रहे हैं।)
  6. Modal Verbs (मौडाल क्रियाएँ)
    These verbs express necessity, possibility, permission, or ability.
    • Examples:
      • Can (सकना)
      • Could (सकना, लेकिन अभी नहीं)
      • May (शायद)
      • Might (शायद)
      • Must (ज़रूर)
    • Example Sentence:
      • You can go to the party. (तुम पार्टी में जा सकते हो।)
      • She must finish her homework. (उसे अपना गृहकार्य खत्म करना चाहिए।)

Summary of Verbs:

Type Description Examples
Action Verbs Express physical or mental actions run, jump, think
Transitive Verbs Require a direct object read, kick, build
Intransitive Verbs Do not require a direct object sleep, cry, run
Linking Verbs Connect the subject to a subject complement be, become, seem
Auxiliary Verbs Helping verbs used with main verbs have, be, do
Modal Verbs Express necessity, possibility, permission can, could, may, must


Verb forms refer to the different variations of a verb that convey various tenses, aspects, moods, and voices. Understanding verb forms is essential for constructing sentences correctly in English. Here are the primary forms of verbs, along with examples:

1. Base Form (Infinitive)

  • Definition: The base form is the simplest form of the verb, without any endings. It is often used with “to” to form the infinitive.
  • Examples:
    • to run (दौड़ना)
    • to eat (खाना)
    • to write (लिखना)

2. Past Form (Simple Past)

  • Definition: The past form indicates an action that has already happened. Regular verbs typically add -ed, while irregular verbs change form.
  • Examples:
    • ran (दौड़ा) – (from run)
    • ate (खा लिया) – (from eat)
    • wrote (लिखा) – (from write)

3. Past Participle

  • Definition: The past participle is used with auxiliary verbs to form perfect tenses and the passive voice. Regular verbs typically end in -ed, while irregular verbs can have different forms.
  • Examples:
    • runrun (दौड़ा)
    • eateaten (खा लिया)
    • writewritten (लिखा)

4. Present Participle (Gerund)

  • Definition: The present participle is formed by adding -ing to the base form. It is used to form continuous tenses and can also function as a noun (gerund).
  • Examples:
    • running (दौड़ना)
    • eating (खाना)
    • writing (लिखना)

5. Simple Present Form

  • Definition: The simple present form is used for habitual actions or general truths. The base form is used with the plural subjects, while for the third-person singular, it usually adds -s or -es.
  • Examples:
    • I/You/We/They run (मैं/तुम/हम/वे दौड़ते हैं)
    • He/She/It runs (वह दौड़ता है)

6. Future Form

  • Definition: The future form is used to describe actions that will happen later. It is often formed using “will” or “going to.”
  • Examples:
    • I will run (मैं दौड़ूँगा)
    • She is going to eat (वह खाने जा रही है)

Summary of Verb Forms

Verb Form Definition Examples
Base Form The infinitive form without “to” run, eat, write
Past Form Indicates an action that happened ran, ate, wrote
Past Participle Used with auxiliary verbs run – run, eat – eaten
Present Participle Formed with -ing, indicates ongoing action running, eating, writing
Simple Present Indicates habitual actions or general truths I run, He runs
Future Form Indicates actions that will happen I will run, She is going to eat

Examples in Sentences:

  1. Base Form:
    • I want to run in the marathon. (मैं मैराथन में दौड़ना चाहता हूँ।)
  2. Past Form:
    • She ran five miles yesterday. (वह कल पांच मील दौड़ी।)
  3. Past Participle:
    • He has eaten breakfast. (उसने नाश्ता किया है।)
  4. Present Participle:
    • Running is good exercise. (दौड़ना अच्छी कसरत है।)
  5. Simple Present:
    • They write letters every day. (वे हर दिन पत्र लिखते हैं।)
  6. Future Form:
    • We will go to the park tomorrow. (हम कल पार्क जाएंगे।)

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