What is Mastodon ,Who developed It and How Mastodon works
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 What is Mastodon ?

Mastodon is a decentralized, open-source social media platform that allows users to create and join communities (called “instances”) and share content with other users on the platform. Mastodon is similar to other social media platforms like Twitter, but it is built on decentralized technology, which means that it is not owned or controlled by a central authority. This allows users to have more control over their data and how it is used. Mastodon has a focus on privacy and on creating a more positive, inclusive online environment. It is available on the web and as a mobile app.

Who developed Mastodon ?

Mastodon was created by a programmer and artist named Eugen Rochko in 2016. Rochko developed Mastodon as a response to the negative aspects of mainstream social media platforms, such as their lack of privacy and their tendency to amplify harmful or toxic content. Rochko wanted to create a social media platform that was more focused on community and that prioritized the needs and well-being of its users. Mastodon is an open-source project, which means that anyone can contribute to its development and suggest changes or improvements. The Mastodon project is maintained by a team of volunteers who work on improving the platform and building new features.

How Mastodon works ?

Mastodon is a decentralized social media platform, which means that it is not owned or controlled by a central authority. Instead, it is made up of a network of independent servers, or “instances,” that communicate with each other and share content.

Users of Mastodon can create accounts on any instance that they choose, and they can also interact with users on other instances. Each instance has its own set of rules and guidelines, and users can choose an instance that aligns with their values and interests.

When a user creates a post on Mastodon, it is shared with the other users on their instance and with any other instances that they have chosen to “follow.” Users can also interact with each other by “boosting” or “faving” posts, which is similar to liking or retweeting on other social media platforms.

Mastodon uses a system called the “fediverse” to connect different instances and allow users to interact with each other. The fediverse is a decentralized network of servers that use the same open-source software, which allows them to communicate and share content with each other. This allows Mastodon users to connect with a wide range of people and communities, and to share their thoughts and ideas with a diverse group of people.

Safety concerns on the Mastodon social networks
Like any online platform, Mastodon has the potential for users to experience safety concerns such as cyberbullying, harassment, and exposure to inappropriate or harmful content. Mastodon has implemented a number of measures to address these issues and to promote a safer and more positive online environment.

One key feature of Mastodon is that it allows users to block or mute other users, which can help to mitigate the impact of unwanted or inappropriate interactions. Mastodon also has a system of “flags” that allows users to report posts or accounts that violate the rules of the platform.

Mastodon also has a strong focus on privacy, and it gives users control over who can see their posts and interactions. Users can choose to make their posts visible to everyone, or they can restrict them to a smaller group of followers. This can help to reduce the risk of unwanted exposure or stalking.

Overall, Mastodon is committed to creating a safe and positive online environment for its users. However, like any online platform, it is important for users to be aware of the potential risks and to take steps to protect their own safety and well-being.

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