What is Lactmed ?

 What is Lactmed ? 

LactMed is a database of drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. It is maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and provides information on the safety of these substances during lactation.

LactMed contains information on more than 1,000 drugs and chemicals, including prescription and over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements, and environmental contaminants. For each substance, LactMed provides information on the potential effects on the breastfed infant and on lactation, as well as recommendations for use during breastfeeding.

LactMed is intended for use by healthcare providers, but it may also be a useful resource for breastfeeding mothers who are considering taking a medication or are concerned about exposure to a chemical. It is important to note that LactMed is a reference tool and is not intended to replace the advice of a healthcare provider. If you are considering taking a medication or are concerned about exposure to a chemical while breastfeeding, it is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider for guidance.

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