Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, providing additional information about how, when, where, why, or to what extent an action is performed. They enhance sentences by describing the manner, frequency, degree, or time of the action.

Types of Adverbs

  1. Adverbs of Manner (क्रिया वाचक विशेषण)
    These adverbs describe how an action is performed.
    • Examples:
      • quickly (तेज़ी से)
      • carefully (सावधानी से)
      • beautifully (सुंदरता से)
      • loudly (ऊँची आवाज़ में)
    • Example Sentence:
      • She sings beautifully. (वह सुंदरता से गाती है।)
  2. Adverbs of Time (काल वाचक विशेषण)
    These adverbs tell us when an action takes place.
    • Examples:
      • now (अब)
      • yesterday (कल)
      • soon (जल्द)
      • later (बाद में)
    • Example Sentence:
      • He will arrive soon. (वह जल्द आएगा।)
  3. Adverbs of Place (स्थान वाचक विशेषण)
    These adverbs indicate where an action occurs.
    • Examples:
      • here (यहाँ)
      • there (वहाँ)
      • everywhere (हर जगह)
      • nearby (नज़दीक)
    • Example Sentence:
      • The children are playing outside. (बच्चे बाहर खेल रहे हैं।)
  4. Adverbs of Frequency (आवृत्ति वाचक विशेषण)
    These adverbs describe how often an action occurs.
    • Examples:
      • always (हमेशा)
      • often (अक्सर)
      • sometimes (कभी-कभी)
      • rarely (कभी-कभार)
      • never (कभी नहीं)
    • Example Sentence:
      • She usually goes for a walk. (वह आमतौर पर टहलने जाती है।)
  5. Adverbs of Degree (डिग्री वाचक विशेषण)
    These adverbs describe the intensity or degree of an action, adjective, or another adverb.
    • Examples:
      • very (बहुत)
      • quite (काफी)
      • too (बहुत ज़्यादा)
      • almost (लगभग)
    • Example Sentence:
      • He is very tall. (वह बहुत लंबा है।)
  6. Interrogative Adverbs (प्रश्नवाचक विशेषण)
    These adverbs are used to ask questions.
    • Examples:
      • why (क्यों)
      • when (कब)
      • where (कहाँ)
      • how (कैसे)
    • Example Sentence:
      • Why are you late? (तुम देर क्यों आए?)
  7. Relative Adverbs (संबंध वाचक विशेषण)
    These adverbs introduce a clause and relate it to a noun or pronoun.
    • Examples:
      • where (जहाँ)
      • when (जब)
      • why (क्यों)
    • Example Sentence:
      • This is the place where we met. (यह वह जगह है जहाँ हम मिले थे।)

Summary of Adverbs:

Type Description Examples
Adverbs of Manner Describe how an action is performed quickly, carefully, beautifully
Adverbs of Time Indicate when an action occurs now, yesterday, soon
Adverbs of Place Indicate where an action occurs here, there, everywhere
Adverbs of Frequency Describe how often an action occurs always, often, sometimes
Adverbs of Degree Describe the intensity or degree very, quite, too
Interrogative Adverbs Used to ask questions why, when, where, how
Relative Adverbs Introduce a clause and relate it to a noun where, when, why

Examples in Sentences:

  1. Adverb of Manner:
    • She runs quickly. (वह तेजी से दौड़ती है।)
  2. Adverb of Time:
    • They will meet tomorrow. (वे कल मिलेंगे।)
  3. Adverb of Place:
    • The book is there. (किताब वहाँ है।)
  4. Adverb of Frequency:
    • I never eat junk food. (मैं कभी जंक फूड नहीं खाता।)
  5. Adverb of Degree:
    • The coffee is too hot. (कॉफी बहुत गर्म है।)
  6. Interrogative Adverb:
    • When will you come? (तुम कब आओगे?)
  7. Relative Adverb:
    • I remember the day when we first met. (मुझे वह दिन याद है जब हम पहली बार मिले थे।)

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