What is Lyme disease ?
Lyme disease is an infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected ticks.
Ticks are small, blood-sucking parasites that feed on the blood of animals and humans. They are found in areas with tall grass, leaf litter, and wooded areas, and they can attach to any part of the body, but they are most commonly found on the legs, arms, and head.
After a tick bites a person and injects the bacterium into the skin, the infection can spread to other parts of the body. In the early stages of Lyme disease, the infection is usually confined to the area around the bite, but if left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. This can cause more severe symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and neurological problems. In rare cases, the infection can spread to the heart and cause heart problems.
It is important to remove ticks as soon as possible to prevent infection. If you find a tick attached to your skin, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible, and pull straight up with steady, even pressure. Avoid crushing the tick or applying substances to it, as this can increase the risk of infection. If you develop any symptoms of Lyme disease after being bitten by a tick, see a healthcare provider for evaluation and treatment.
Symptoms of Lyme disease
Symptoms of Lyme disease can include fever, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and a characteristic bull’s-eye rash. If left untreated, the infection can spread to other parts of the body and cause more severe symptoms, such as neurological problems and heart problems.
Lyme disease is most commonly found in the northeastern and northcentral United States, although it has been reported in all 50 states and in many other countries around the world.
It is typically treated with antibiotics, and most people who receive prompt treatment recover fully. However, some people may continue to have symptoms even after treatment, a condition known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS). PTLDS is a controversial condition and the cause is not well understood. More research is needed to understand the long-term effects of Lyme disease and how to best treat PTLDS.