ANALOGY OR SIMILARITY TYPE-II Questions based on related set of numbers


Directions : From among the given alternatives select the one in which the set of numbers is nnost like the set of numbers given in the question. 

1. Give Set :(4, 25, 81)

(1) (4, 36, 79), 

(2) (9, 48, 81)

(3) (16, 64, 100) 

(4) (9, 49, 1:43) 

(SSC Combined Graduate Level Prelim Exam. 19.06.2011 (IInd Sitting) 

2. Given Set : (8, 56, 72)

(1) (7, 56, 63) 

(2) (3, 15, 24)

(3) (6, 42, 54) 

(4) (5, 30, 35) 

(SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier-1 Exam. 26.06.2011 (IInd Sitting) 

3. Given set : (14, 20, 3)

(1) (7, 13, 3) 

(2) (5, 10, 15) 

(3) (3, 6, 9) 

(4) (4, 8, 16) 

(SSC Stenographer Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Exam. 09.01.2011) 

4. The set which resembles the given set (1, 5, 12) is 

(1) 7, 11, 35 

(2) 4, 8, 24 

(3) 10, 14, 44 

(4) 9, 13, 42

(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I Exam. 19.05.2013, IInd Sitting) 

5. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the nurnbers of the following set. (5, 13, 12) 

(1) (13, 17, 11) 

(2) (11, 15, 9) 

(3) (15, 19, 13) 

(4) (6, 10, 8) 

SSC CGL Tier-I CBE (Exam) (Shift-1) : 06.06.2019

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