Structure of Atoms : Materials Science , Mechanical Engineering

 Structure of Atoms 

Structure of Atoms : Materials Science , Mechanical Engineering
Structure of Atoms : Materials Science , Mechanical Engineering

  1. Introduction 
  2. Fundamental Particles 
  3. Atomic Number 
  4. Atomic Weight 
  5. Isotopes 
  6. Isobars 
  7. Atomic Models 
  8. Thomson’s Atomic Model 
  9. Rutherford’s atomic Model 
  10. Difficulties In Rutherford’s ‘ Atomic Model 
  11. Bohr’s Atomic Model 
  12. Energy of an Electron in Bohr’s Atomic Model 
  13. Orbital Frequency of an Electron 
  14. Deficiencies in Bohr’s Atomic Model 
  15. Quantum Numbers 
  16. Sommerfeld’s Atomic Model 
  17. Modern Atomic Model 
  18. Maximum Number of Electrons in an Atom 
  19. Maximum Number of Electrons in the Main Shells 
  20. Maximum Number of Electrons in the Sub – shells , 
  21. Energy Level Diagram 
  22. Energy Level Diagram of a Hydrogen Atom 
  23. Energy Level Diagram of a Multielectron Atom 
  24. Electronic Configuration 
  25. Electron Structure of Elements 
  26. Wave Mechanics 
  27. Schrodinger Theory 
  28. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle 
  29. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle 
  30. Periodic Table 
  31. Mandeleev’s Periodic Table 
  32. Modern Periodic Table 
  33. Significance of Atomic Number in the Periodic T able

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