Aamtal Gram Panchayat ,Baliapur Block , Dhanbad
There are 10 blocks in Dhanbad district of Jharkhand. Baliapur block is one of these 10 blocks. There are 23 Gram Panchayats under Baliapur Block. One of these 23 Gram Panchayats is the Aamtal Gram Panchayat.
Many villages come under Aamtal Gram Panchayat, some names of the main villages are —– . The Current head (Mukhiya) of Aamtal Gram Panchayat under Baliapur Block , Dhanbad is Sanjay Kumar .
Note: You can provide us, information about the head of your Gram Panchayat (Mukhiya), so that through you we can publish that information in our website, in which your name will also be explained.
- Whatsapp No : 8003803082
- Email – contact@sarkarilibrary.in
Aamtal Panchayat, Aamtal Panchayat, Aamtal , Aamtal Panchayat Mukhiya, Aamtal Mukhiya , Aamtal Mukhiya , Aamtal,