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Created by Mananjay Mahato

Coding-Decoding Quiz



1. if in a code language SHYAM is written as JXVEP, then how PINKU will be written in the same language ?

2. यदि ZIP = 198 और ZAP = 246, तो आप VIP को कैसे कोड करेंगे?

3. यदि DEER = 12215 और HIGH = 5645, तो आप HEEL को कैसे कोड करेंगे?

4. if in a code language MOTHER is written as SREHTOM, then how BROUGHT will be written in the same language ?

5. यदि अंग्रेजी वर्णमाला के प्रत्येक अक्षर को विषम संख्यात्मक मान दिया जाए जैसे A = 1, B = 3 और इसी प्रकार आगे भी, तो INDIAN शब्द के अक्षरों का कुल मान क्या होगा?

6. If REQUEST is written as S2R52TU, then how will ACID be written?

7. if in a code language "how are you" means "nee tin fu", "are you there" means "tin se nee " , then solve the following question based on this information :

what is the code for 'how' ?

8. if in a code language PAWAN is written as QBXBO, then how JAMUN will be written in the same language ?

9. यदि A = 26, SUN = 27, तो CAT = ?

10. यदि किसी निश्चित भाषा में MADRAS को NBESBT लिखा जाता है, तो उस भाषा में BOMBAY को कैसे लिखा जाएगा?

11. In a certain code, TWINKLE is written as SVHOJKD, then how would FILTERS be written in the same code?

12. if in a code language "how are you" means "nee tin fu", "are you there" means "tin se nee " , then solve the following question based on this information :

what is the code for 'you' ?

13. यदि A = 2, M = 26, Z = 52, तो BET = ?

14. if in a code language TSAE is written as TSEW , then how HTRON will be written in the same language ?

15. if in a code language ACNE is written as 3-7-29-11 and   , then how BOIL will be written in the same language ?

16. यदि AT = 20, BAT = 40, तो CAT बराबर होगा

17. यदि GO = 32, SHE = 49, तो SOME बराबर होगा

18. if in a code language BAT is written as 23 and CAT is written as 24  , then how BALL will be written in the same language ?

19. _aa_ba_bb_ab_aab

20. यदि किसी निश्चित कोड में FISH को EHRG लिखा जाता है, तो उस कोड में JUNGLE को कैसे लिखा जाएगा?

21.  In a certain code, STOVE is written as FNBLK, then how will VOTES be written in the same code?

22. यदि किसी निश्चित कोड में, BAT = 23 और CAT = 24 है, तो आप BALL को कैसे कोडित करेंगे?

23. if in a code language BAT is written as 6 and CANTEEN is written as 14  , then how BALL will be written in the same language ?

24. एक निश्चित कोड में, DEAL शब्द को 4-5- 1-12 के रूप में कोडित किया गया है। कोडिंग के समान नियम का पालन करते हुए, LADY शब्द का कोड क्या होना चाहिए?

25. if in a code language DANCER is written as DGEPSF, then how PUBLIC will be written in the same language ?

26. In a certain code, ROAD is written as URDG. How is SWAN written in that code?

27. if in a code language ORANGE is written as ZYXUTV and GRAPES is written as TYXRVL, then how APPLE will be written in the same language ?

28. यदि किसी निश्चित कोड में LUTE को MUTE और FATE को GATE लिखा जाता है, तो उस कोड में BLUE को कैसे लिखा जाएगा?

29. if in a code language FLOWER is written as UOLDVI, then how TERMINAL will be written in the same language ?

30. if in a code language "how are you" means "nee tin fu", "are you there" means "tin se nee " , then solve the following question based on this information :

what is the code for 'there' ?

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